Eat At Joe's Scanner Links
Last Update: Dec. 2000

Frequency Information
Faster than figuring it out yourself
KS Scanner Radio Group a bunch of scanner nuts in east Kansas
Jeff's Radio Scanner Page freqs for KS, Milcom, and Civilian Aviation
Wichita, KS Scanning Area Site info for south central KS
KC Scanner Freqs all the major KC area info
Wallbanger's Scanner Page an excellent list of freqs for the State of KS, and SW KS the online user site for the RS handheld
TrunkTracker a fairly useful resource for Trunktracking freqs

New! Aviation/Milcom scanning info can be found at the KC ARTCC Page!

Frequency Databases
The stuff you can never ID
FCC Freq. Database the forms are a little odd, but there's good stuff in there
Percon Corp a go-and-find-it search system
KC Scanning an eastern KS/ western MO searchable database
World Wide Scanner Database a new, but hopefully growing, frequency resource

Scanner Radio References
Because I don't remember much for long when....I forget.
Strong Signals Resource Page excellent info, reviews on scanners, antennas, and more
N2VKG's Scanning Reference lots of stuff: freqs, radios, etc
U.S. Scanner Laws Do you know the laws regarding scanners in your state?

Internet Scanners
The best feature of the Net all the scanner broadcasts- police, fire, and air
APB Online Scanners a nice group of radios to listen to
Internet Radio a big list, not sure they all work
Javaradio the original Javaradio, in Sweden
Stormbringer's Javaradio Wide-band Radio: a nice java operation from Washington, DC
Olathe and KCMO Live internet scanners from the Kansas/Missouri Border, and other stuff, too
Audio Links numerous scanners and some recorded audio files
Seattle PD West Coast law enforcement live

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Whee! It's fun!

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